Tuesday, March 6, 2012

"Was that Jesus??"

I am in awe of how surprised I am each and every time God comes through for me.  Whether it’s the big stuff or the little stuff- I am almost always caught off guard by my reaction and how humbled I feel.  As I wander through what feels like a long desert where I’ve pleaded with God repeatedly for the same thing, He finds these little ways to pop in and say, “see, I’ve still got your back”.  Which honestly, kind of ticks me off sometimes.  I want to yell back, “I KNOW you’re there!!! And anytime you want to answer the question I’ve been bugging you about, I’m ready!!”   Ah, timing.  God’s timing.  They say never to question it, that He knows what He’s doing.  Yet it’s such an incredibly hard lesson.
Today I was home sick with Jack.  He and I both had been fighting a cold and not knowing what the day would hold, I put in for a sub and had a day to spend with my boy.  We lounged around all morning, resting, but I could tell he was feeling better and getting itchy.  I told him I’d take him to lunch.  After we shared some chicken nuggets at Chik Fil A, I crossed the parking lot to the AT& T store to get my new phone.  I’ve been waiting for my new iphone for a while and I figured today might be a good day to get it.  It’s syncing up as I write!! J  So exciting!!  However, while there, the woman informed me that my license was expired- OOPS!  Patrick said I should get it done as soon as possible and since I was off, I should take care of it.
I got to the DMV and the woman told me there was a 2 hour wait.  I literally did not have 2 hours.  I have to work at school tonight and I knew that I couldn’t possibly wait that long.  I told her that I’d have to come back.  She responded with, “if you get pulled over they’ll haul y’all to jail.”  Wonderful.  I had a seat and started to freak out.  I called Patrick and in my hushed panicking voice told him I didn’t know what to do, I have a three year old with me, if I wait for an hour and a half and they haven’t called me, I’ll have to leave and the afternoon is wasted, plus, what if I get pulled over???  JAIL???   I was totally stressing out.  Two rows in front of me a man turned around and asked me what number I had.  I looked down at A077 as he handed me his A066.  In tears, I just smiled and thanked him.  In less than ten minutes I was turning to leave the DMV with my new license.  I told him that he couldn’t imagine how much it meant to me.  He just nodded. 
As we got in the car, I told Jack, “that man saved us”.  Jack replied, “Was he Jesus?” 
I smiled and said, “yes, today he was”. 
God’s timing is always perfect.  He’s everywhere.  Even at the DMV.