Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Time Keeps on Slipping...

I’ve been in a funk lately where the time is going by so quickly I feel like the days are a blur, yet, I feel like I’m not accomplishing anything.  I go through the motions of the everyday, the endless checklists being checked away, mentally pushing things into the future for “when I have time”.  I know I want to live with purpose, I know I want to make each day count and I know how to do it…. I just haven’t had the energy. 
My goals- to live well, love well, eat well, and be well are slipping away day after day. 
I fritter away too much time playing Scrabble and Draw Something to be living well.  I “phone in” the bedtime tuck-ins too apathetically to be loving well.  I consume too many fries a week to be eating well, and I run a fever too many days to be well.  Most days it’s like I’m walking on one of those moving floors at Disney World that revolves in a circle.  I keep trying to get in my car, but I keep missing.  I know how to get in the car, but I just keep missing it. 
I know there must be other women who feel this way.  The constant demands, the whining, the laundry, the derailed plans, the forgotten permission slips,  it all piles on and feels suffocating.  So many days I plead with God, “Please, I need a pause button!!!”  Then, I get the pause button – an unexpected afternoon, a sick day with a kid, and then what?  What do I do?  How do I use it?  Am I using it wisely?  Don’t I deserve a break?  I don’t want to use it wisely.  Please tell me, I’m not the only one who talks to myself like this!
So, here I am, almost the end of another school year- so bittersweet.  My kids are ecstatic both at school and at home.  I look forward to traveling, sleeping in, and plenty of pool time.  But I am somewhat sad as well- another year gone, in the books,  the Hartigans have only one more trip through Kindergarten!  Time is flying.  I thought for sure we’d have moved by the end of this school year, and as it looks right now, I don’t think that’ll be happening.    All the good Christians tell me God is just preparing the most perfect place for us and that he has a plan.  I don’t doubt that at all.  I am just frustrated with waiting.  The floor keeps spinning and I can’t get in for the ride. 
For perspective, I turn to two important places…. The Bible and Pinterest.  It is here I find these two nuggets....

And for a side order of laughter –

Maybe my new goal should just be to be more intentional- more intentional about living in God's will, delighting myself in Him and His ways,  and sending things into school on time.  Surely it will not slow things down, but it could make for a better ride once I get on. 

1 comment:

  1. Ginny June,
    I so enjoy reading your writing! I must confess your current state is what I remember in my years gone by. So, let me encourage you from my "Lolly-Pop" world ( for those of you who don't know me, that is my grandma world). The need to know purpose will fade away as you look back on those years that have slipped by and you will discover one thing. Your purpose was to be a mama and to learn to follow your Jesus more closely. That may seem simple, but I find that it is truth. Our children are our life gift and legacy and in following our Lord, we discover who we were created to be. So, try to sit back a little and enjoy that ride, once you get on, and know that you were created to touch my world ( and all the others you encounter) and I find myself better for it. And one day, you will look upon your children and see great men and women of God. That is your purpose my beautiful Ginny June.
