Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Day!

Valentine’s Day is one of my favorite holidays.  I know it’s all cheese and Hallmark, but I love the old fashioned idea of handing over that homemade valentine to the one you love.  It is innocent and lost among today’s generation of texters and twitterers. 

I love the colors, I love the flowers and the chocolates, I love the three foot teddy bears being bestowed on every pretty girl at school. It is a time when people go out of their way to make the day special.  I like that.   Valentine’s Day at our house is a big deal.  We make our own valentines, I decorate the kitchen with garlands, balloons, and trinkets, we usually have a cake or cupcakes, and we plan special “dates” with the kids. 

This Valentine’s Day was a bummer.  I worked all afternoon Sunday baking and crafting to get things ready for the big day and I woke up Monday morning with a stomach virus.  With Monday completely lost, I had to scramble that evening to get the stuff ready for school and decorate the kitchen. I collapsed half heartedly smiling at the 2 dozen roses my husband brought in to cheer me up.

Valentine’s Day itself was ok, I was weak and tired, and in no condition to consume chocolate.  The high school was loaded down with flowers, candy, treats, and stuffed animals.  I had a few funny notes left from students, but I was so ready to come home because I felt so awful.  We had a family dinner and then went through their valentines and ate cupcakes.

I cannot get over the amount of stuff my kids bring home, I am overwhelmed with pencils, erasers, mini slinkys, candy, and cards, and it seems the junk multiplies and the cards get smaller and crappier every year.  Patrick makes fun of me for being an “overachieving mom” and making our valentines, but I feel like it’s part of the experience, call me crazy. 

This year we made lollypop flowers for Claire’s class, bags of “bursting” friendship starburst for Matthew’s class, and Valentine s’mores for Katie’s class.  They all came out so cute. 

Despite the sickness and the mountains of crap I must contend with, I stand firm…. I love Valentine’s Day.  It gives me another excuse to spoil the ones I love and who wouldn’t love this face?? 

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